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How are we different?

Professionalism and Research

*Parent Aware 4 Star Rating

*Excellent student to teacher ratios.

*Discovery Time Staff are well-trained experts in early childhood      development and curriculum planning.

*Teachers are required to be licensed in Early Childhood Education.

*Extensive and ongoing training for every teacher.  Our teachers are up-to-  date on the latest research and best practice in early childhood education.

*Teachers participate in at least 25 hours of inservice training per year.

*Paraprofessionals have many years of experience.

*Discovery Time curriculum is aligned with the MN State Standards (Early  Childhood Indicators of Progress).  Curriculum is planned within this  framework to assure that your child will have learning experiences in all  areas of development.

*The teachers at Discovery Time bring impressive education and  experiences to the preschool.  They truly care deeply about  each individual child.

Experiences for children

*Several field trips.

*Painting, cooking, music, science experiments, using a variety of art media,  pre-reading and math, story telling, dramatic play, and other hands on  activities.

*Learn in the Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom.

*Playing on the playground, gym, and boost up room.

*Attending special events at Luverne Public School.

*Teachers, Peer Helpers, and Senior Volunteers building relationships with  each child.

*Children become comfortable with the school setting and become familiar  with the building, which helps with the transition to kindergarten.

*Children enrolled in our afternoon sections may ride home on the district  school buses when an older sibling also rides the bus home.

parent involvement

*Ongoing communication with teachers through newsletters, emails, and  phone calls.

*Parent meeting at the beginning of the year and conferences in the middle  of the school year.

*Special events during the school year.

*Parents are always welcome in the classroom!  We encourage families to  share special talents and experiences with us.

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